Female Incontinence
Female incontinence, also known as urinary incontinence in women, refers to the unintentional loss of urine. This can range from a slight leakage when coughing, sneezing, or performing physical activities to having an intense urge to urinate that results in losing urine before reaching a restroom. It's triggered by a range of factors, such as weak pelvic muscles due to childbirth, neurological disorders, urinary tract infections, and certain surgical procedures. Some women may also experience it during menopause because of changes in estrogen levels, which can affect the lining of the bladder and urethra. The procedure of diagnosis, treatment, and management of female incontinence involves various steps. Initially, a detailed medical history is taken followed by a physical examination, which may include a pelvic exam in women. Additional tests like urinalysis, bladder diary, postvoid residual measurement, pelvic ultrasound, cystoscopy, and urodynamic testing may also be performed for a comprehensive evaluation. Treatment options vary depending upon the cause of urinary incontinence and may include behavioral techniques like bladder training, diet management, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and medications. For severe cases, medical devices, interventions or surgery may be recommended.
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