Sinnonhyeon Station
Bellebeau Plastic Surgery
Global Consultations Available

Bellebeau Plastic Surgery Clinic, located near Sinnonhyeon Station, offers a wide range of aesthetic procedures to enhance both male and female beauty.
Procedure Categories
1. Injectable Treatments
- Botox: Reduces the size of excessively developed areas. This procedure can smooth out wrinkles and lines by temporarily relaxing muscles.
- Fillers: Designed to smooth out sagging skin and deep wrinkles. These fillers can restore volume and provide a youthful appearance.
2. Skin Rejuvenation
- Chemical Peeling: Brightens the skin and gives it a moist, radiant appearance. This procedure removes dead skin cells and promotes new skin growth.
- Aqua Peel: Removes oil and prevents blackheads and whiteheads. It significantly reduces mites in hair follicles, helping improve skin texture.
- LDM SMART: Uses high-density ultrasound energy to stimulate the skin's regenerative immune system up to 180%, promoting youthful and healthy skin.
- Cryotherapy: Uses liquid CO2 gas that is sprayed onto the affected area. This method delivers cold therapy to reduce pain and swelling.
3. Laser Treatments
- Pico Plus: Delivers high energy in a short time to minimize skin damage and effectively treat various pigments. It helps reduce excessive pigmentation while making the skin elastic and smooth.
- Excel V: Known for its stable and effective treatment method, approved by the FDA. It provides high precision treatment with minimal sessions required for improvements.
- Clarity Pro: Offers consistent treatment effects by delivering precise and uniform energy with minimal skin damage. It can treat a range of conditions with adjustable spot sizes from 2 to 20mm.
- Apogee Plus: Certified by the FDA for safety and efficacy, featuring an air cooling system and a non-contact procedure method, excelling in both effectiveness and hygiene.
4. Skin Lifting and Tightening
- Ultherapy: Uses ultrasound energy targeting the SMAS layer under the skin without surface damage. This treatment coagulates and tightens the SMAS layer, leaving no recovery time needed.
- Shrinc: Utilizes high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for lifting without damaging the skin surface. It fosters collagen regeneration and tightens loose tissues.
- Air Jet: A novel lifting method that pulls the skin up to the muscle layer using strong jet injection pressure. It infiltrates medication deep into the skin and remodels collagen for tighter skin.
5. Acne Treatments
- Neobeam: A long-wavelength laser that destroys sebaceous glands, the cause of acne while protecting the epidermis with a cooling system. This method minimizes pain and effectively treats acne.
- PDT (Photodynamic Therapy): Applies light-sensitive substances to the skin and uses specific wavelengths of light. This treatment selectively targets disease cells and activates oxygen to greatly enhance light absorption for therapeutic effects.
6. Body Contouring
- Noblshape: Combines medical laser, low-frequency, and high-frequency energy simultaneously. This noninvasive approach helps reduce body fat and cellulite, enhancing body firmness.
- Core Sculpt: Employs high-intensity magnetic pulses to burn fat and build muscles in areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. It induces muscle contractions that are difficult to achieve solely through exercise.
Bellebeau Plastic Surgery Clinic is dedicated to providing smart healthcare services with top-notch technology for both aesthetic and health improvements.